+233 24 367 4879
Accra - Ghana

Enterprise Development


Enterprise Development

Our enterprise development program focuses on economic growth by providing our members with access to finance, services, and business opportunities. We enable the growth and development of our members by providing training, business development support, and access to markets.

Small and medium enterprises in the electronic industry create jobs, drive innovation, and are partners in economic development. But only when they can access the skills and resources—human, technological, and financial—to launch and grow. GESTA bridges this gap.

GESTA’s Enterprise Support for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurship

GESTA believes in and offers technical assistance to start-up entrepreneurs and MSMEs. Entrepreneurship is at the heart of job creation, the engine of business growth, and the foundation of economic development in any country. In both the informal and formal sectors of the economy, MSMEs play a central role. GESTA adapts its services and business functions to the needs of its members.

We help electronic technicians realize their dreams and potential. We help develop their business ideas into a commercial enterprise. These are some of the ways we support new businesses.

• Strategy and business planning

We support business leaders in developing a growth strategy for their businesses, and where needed, we assist in developing a turnaround strategy to revive their business.

• Business identity, branding, and marketing material

GESTA assists its members with developing their corporate identity by designing and developing logos, websites, and company stationery that includes all the branding requirements.

• Export promotion and trade facilitation

GESTA assists its members in finding regional and international markets, understanding market requirements, and improving product quality.

• Managing financial growth

Businesses exist to make money, and it is crucial to obtain the proper support to help our members be.

• Improvement of operations

Inefficiencies cost money and erode profits. We support business owners with optimizing their business operations to reduce inefficiencies and costs to improve profitability.

• Improvement of support functions

Support functions are like the oil that keeps the engine going. GESTA supports its members in developing the right approach to managing support functions based on the uniqueness of their enterprise, so that they can focus on its core aspects.

• Business coaching and mentoring

We provide hands-on, practical, and on-going support and capacity building through high-impact sessions to empower our members to develop the capacity and capability of the enterprise.

Business Support Services

We support our members with their day-to-day requirements, such as:


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