+233 24 367 4879
Accra - Ghana




GESTA is the professional trade organization representing, supporting, and advocating for over 56,200 electronic technicians in Ghana, including TV technicians, hardware technicians, phone repairers, and satellite installers, as well as electronics students.

As a national, not-for-profit organization, we’ve been working to ensure that all electronic technicians in Ghana possess and retain the skills, tools, and information that keep them at the forefront of their industry. GESTA works to advocate the interests of the industry to local and national government, regulators, and other key stakeholders.

GESTA fights for its members and industry. We work hard to protect members and to push legislation beneficial to the industry. GESTA provides timely information to members on legislative or regulatory proposals that could impact their businesses and tools for making their voices heard. We are the only association that communicates each week and month with legislative updates.

We are in a strong position to propose to key influencers and policy decision-makers practicable solutions to the diverse, critical issues affecting our members—issues like the current labor and material shortages and the impacts of fixed pricing, e waste management among others.

We are passionate about ensuring the voice of the industry is heard and we actively advocate on a range of issues including:

The GESTA is actively working with the Commission for Technical and Vocational Educational Training (CTVET) to determine the best way forward to achieve our shared goal of a strong development system for apprentice electronic technicians in every region of Ghana.

GESTA has proposed a comprehensive review of the current list of electronic technicians currently receiving apprenticeship training to ensure that the data we have accurately reflects the number of apprentices moving through the system and in which areas.

This verified data will allow for the best planning in the future to assure that the required number of qualified electronic technicians are available and the right support and resources are available to meet projected workforce needs to help move Ghana forward.

One of the top priorities for GESTA’s membership is to ensure Ghana is training enough electronic technician apprentices at all levels each year to meet the future demand for journeyperson electronic technicians. Without an adequate number of journeyperson electronic technicians, the country will not be able to keep up with the pace of growth and advancement in the industry.

GESTA offers its members comprehensive advocacy and legislative reports, which include resources and information on legislative and regulatory issues at the local, regional and national level. GESTA is committed to being the industry “watchdog,” providing timely information to members on legislative or regulatory proposals that could impact their businesses.


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